Are “likes” and filters affecting your self-esteem?

It’s hard to believe how in a short period of time words such as: selfies, filters, and likes have become part of our everyday vocabulary. In reality, how much are these things affecting our self-esteem?



Apps such as instagram and snapchat have installed filters in their applications to give people the option to edit and enhance their pictures. Filters have given teens power to alter themselves just how they want to look. It’s been proven that filters have boosted teens’ self esteem. What happens when the filters are gone? Truth is, there are no filters in the everyday life. As fun as filters can be, we need to learn how to use them accordingly, without taking advantage of them.



The power of “likes” on any form of social media has increased in the last years. People, most importantly teens, have grown to measure their popularity on the amount of” likes” that they get. It seems that for every “like” someone receives on social media their self-esteem automatically boosts. It’s insane to think that not having a certain amount can make someone feel negative about themselves. Lets not forget that “likes” have also brought attention to important posts such as the famous “ALS Bucket Challenge.” Lets use the power of the “like” button for good.



Don’t let social media affect your self-esteem, take these tips:


  • Know your self-worth; don’t measure your popularity or beauty based on the “likes” you get on instagram or any other form of social media.
  • Be happy about yourself and admire your own flaws
  • Block out social media once in a while and enjoy other activities
  • Avoid comparisons to others
  • Have a positive state of mind


Remember to use the power of social media for good.


Art work by 2013 Finalist Isabelle Appleton




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